Share weekly reflections on the important things in your life with the people you love most.
No ads, no influencers, no metrics. We've removed the addictive aspects of social media. Post just once a week and stop constantly checking your phone.
We want your community to be people you know, not anyone who can search your name. Invite friends by sharing your unique personal passphrase.
We built a space to encourage healthy relationships with your friends and yourself. Reflections are as much about sharing as getting to know yourself.
a platform for quality connection, not quantity
Be mindful of your feelings, ideas, and experiences. Write a reflection about what's going on in your life, published one day a week.
Every Saturday, see who's posted new reflections. Read them to stay up-to-date on your loved ones' lives.
Want to know more about a friend's reflection? Spark meaningful conversations with the press of a button - text, email or call!
keep in touch with yourself and your loved ones
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